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Written by Pricila Di Tommaso — Psychologist specializing in the mental health of refugees, migrants and minorities and EMDR therapist —, the children's book Bondy, the Traveling Bird is a tool indispensable to inspire, strengthen and improve the relationship with the children around us, especially those who live in the context of migration, religious persecution and other vulnerabilities. This captivating story of the little bird who accidentally discovers that his family is going to leave the forest where he lives, shows the children that their emotions, thoughts and body sensations are legitimate and, in a loving way, leads them - along with the caregivers and the caregivers — on a journey that will build affective memories, promote dialogue, create a welcoming environment and strengthen the bond for life.

E-book Bondy, the travelling bird

R$ 25,00Preço
  • Dear reader,

    This material was developed by Amistar, an NGO that works in favor of children, especially when they are refugees, persecuted for their faith or find themselves in different situations of vulnerability.

    To make our projects viable, we are supported by donations from people like you and institutions that believe in these causes, in addition to the sale of our digital and printed materials.

    Another very important way to contribute to our projects is by not sending digital materials that you have acquired to people you know. Instead, encourage them to also buy our materials by sharing your own positive experience with them.

    Only through your donations, your purchases and your honesty will we be able to keep the projects active and make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


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